Monday, April 26, 2010

Police barred from penis enlargement

(Reuters) - Forget about getting a job as a police officer in Indonesia's Papua if you have had your penis enlarged. You won't get it, according to local media reports citing the Papua police chief. An applicant "will be asked whether or not his vital organ has been enlarged," said Papua police chief Bekto Suprapto, quoted on local website "If he has, he will be considered unfit to join the police or the military." The ban was applied since the unnatural size causes "hindrance during training," said police spokesman Zainuri Lubis in Jakarta, quoted by news portal Indonesia's remote easternmost province is home to Papuan tribes, many of whom are known for wearing penis gourds. A low-level separatist insurgency has waged in the resources-rich part of Indonesia for decades and there is a heavy police and military presence there. Papuans use a local technique to achieve the enlargement, according to a sexologist quoted by local newspaper Jakarta Globe, wrapping the penis with leaves from the "gatal-gatal" (itchy) tree so that it swells up "like it has been stung by a bee," the expert said.

I'm calling Papua police chief Bekto Suprato's bluff on this one. This guy is clearly bitter over something and I'd bet my life that its because he isn't allergic to "gatal-gatal." Doesn't this discrimination against the well-endowed have small man syndrome written all over it? I mean look at his reason for deeming these officers enhanced unit hinders your ability to train? Am I reading that right? Last time I checked the best athletes in the world are football and basketball players. You watch any of the NFL combine, Betko? Those giants are fast as hell and the laws of proportion tell us that they don't need any "gatal-gatal." You don't need Mel Kiper and Todd McShay to spell that one out for you. So you can go sell your 'three-legged horse can't run a race theory' to someone else because I ain't buying it.


  1. thanks to Liver Bush for the article

  2. Let's be honest here, theres only one reason why the cop was banned from judicial system. It's not that he was well endowed after a fantastic surgery, which is probably worth looking into. The reason he was barred is simple. He, like the rest of us, would perform unthoughtful acts. Not only do you have the confidence of a cop with a billy club and a gun, but you have the confidence of a two billy clubs, and a gun. I would absolutely take my gun, and force a girl down on my one club, while playing with her self with the other club. It's genius, and I imagine it's been done before, hence it's illegality.

    In addition to that though, having a bigger unit would force me to shoot first, ask questions later.

    Bring the pain,
    Liver Bush
