Friday, April 16, 2010

Man accused of vomiting on girl at game

PHILADELPHIA -- A New Jersey man is facing charges after police say he intentionally vomited on an 11-year-old girl and her father in the stands during a Philadelphia Phillies game.
Twenty-one-year-old Matthew Clemmens, of Cherry Hill, N.J., was arraigned Friday on charges stemming from his behavior at Wednesday night's Phillies-Nationals game.
Police say Clemmens made himself vomit on an off-duty police captain and his daughter after a companion was kicked out for unruly behavior.
Easton police Capt. Michael Vangelo says he saw Clemmens put his fingers down his throat. Philadelphia police say Clemmens also punched Vangelo and vomited on an arresting officer.
Clemmens is in custody on charges including assault and harassment. Bail is $12,000. His listed phone number is disconnected.

ESPN needs to learn how to investigate a story because this one has the stink all over it and it isn't because it involves people from the arm pit and grundle of the US. We know from the Big Ben story that PA cops basically participate and then help cover up sexual assaults so Michael Vangelo can quit with the holier than now routine. I bet he punched the Clemmens kid in the stomach and made him puke all over the little girl. Regardless of what actually happened though, I was surprised that this cop willingly brought his daughter to a Philly's game and parked her right in the bleachers. Now in most cities this probably would be ok. Little (let's call her) Sarah might hear a couple swears, see a pair of boobs, and get splashed with some beer, but she probably would make it out of the ballpark unscathed. But this is Philly. This is a place that was found to have the ugliest people in the United States by 2009 US Report. Now take a second and think of your ugliest friend. Now think of your most ruthless/meanest friend. Same person, right? My point is that that the Philly bleacher scene is basically a mob of the ugliest/meanest people in the US and maybe the planet. It's a mob that boo-ed Michael Irving when he was motionless on the field with a neck injury, that threw D batteries at JD Drew when he was with the Cards, and one that is certainly capable of purposely puking on little girls. So if anyone should be arrested for this "crime" it should be Michael Vangelo for knowingly endangering his child. I rest my case.

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