YAHOO – ‘I’m in love with my grandson and we’re having a baby’ When 72-year-old Pearl met her grandson, little did she realise she’d soon be ‘pregnant’ with his child Pearl Carter is positively glowing with joy. She has a handsome new boyfriend, is enjoying an active sex life after many years of celibacy and, amazingly, is preparing to become a mother again. But the retired grandmother isn’t carrying the baby herself. She and her young lover have spent a staggering $54,000 hiring a surrogate to help them with their dreams of having a child. What makes Pearl’s decision to become a mum again even more shocking is that her new boyfriend is her biological grandson, 26-year-old Phil Bailey. ‘I’m not interested in anyone else’s opinion,’ Pearl says. ‘I am in love with Phil and he’s in love with me. Soon I’ll be holding my son or daughter in my arms and Phil will be the proud dad’….
-Article borrowed from Barstool Sports
There is no better relative then a cool grandma. Those of you that have one or have seen Grandma's Boy know what I'm talking about. They're women from a different era and they spoil the crap out of you. Polish off a beer? There is another one in your hand. Hungry? Candy bowls all over the place. Combine that with their affinity for gambling (can't even count how many nickels I've lost to my grandmother in cribbage) and they are pretty much the total package relative-wise. But 20 year olds generally aren't attracted to women over 50. I know cougars are all the rage right now, but I think its safe to say 70 year olds fall out of that demographic. So my gut is telling me good 'ol Pearl is getting taken advantage of here. Remember in Tommy Boy when that smokeshow marries Tommy's dad, but she is really sleeping with her "son" and extorting him for his money? Well I think Phil Bailey is employing the same strategy here. I didn't post the rest of the article because it would've made you throw up, but apparently Phil Bailey sent his "grandma" a picture out of the blue. And when she took a look at Philly Boy, she couldn't resist the bait. Next thing Pearl knows Phil is using her social securitiy checks to pay $54,000 to a surrogate mother? Who wants to bet that the surrogate is Phil's girlfriend? Pearl definitely smelled a rat though because she called up Yahoo and broadcasted the incestual relationship all over the national news. In doing so, she not only branded Phil Bailey with a scarlet letter, but also put herself on the radar of a lot of the guys at bingo. Genius...Is Parvati's last name Bailey?
Hi my name Louie Corrigan I'm now 58yr back when I was 48yr, I work behind the local bar in Oldham at lunch time I met a lovely lady call Liz who was 70yr, and we got on ad tho known each other all our life's,every chance I got I told her I fancy her,she told me not to be daft,I would walk her to her front door and say good night, a few week later as I walk her home, I told her if it was up to me I walk her to my home and spend more time in her company if it happened I would not be Abel to keep my hands off her to cut a long story short because we end up going out as a couple, we both had brick thrown our window, so to Pearl and Phil I say congratulations, me and Liz spent 10happy year together until she pass away in my arms last Xmas eve I will never love anyone as mutch as Liz and don't let any one tell you it wrong being together because all that matters is you love each other I'm happy for you both