Friday, May 21, 2010

Girl Gone Wild

MAY 17--Meet Jessica Halter. The Ohio student, 18, was arrested Saturday night at her high school prom after she drunkenly assaulted a policeman, tried to kick a paramedic, and spewed a "bloody ball of spit" at one cop. According to a Lorain Police Department report, an officer working the North Ridgeville High School prom was approached by school administrators who had received several complaints about the "highly intoxicated" Halter. When told of these complaints, Halter replied, "This is my fucking prom, this is bullshit." Halter, her speech slurred, denied drinking alcohol and cursed out the school's principal and assistant principal. "You are fucking bitches, this is my prom, I'm not drunk," said Halter. After refusing to take a Breathalyzer test, Halter attempted to swing a chair at cops, and then began "smacking her forehead into the chair handle causing her nose to bleed." While being handcuffed, Halter "began kicking, screaming, spitting and thrashing about." As she was walked out of DeLuca's catering hall, Halter--screaming obscenities--"let her legs go limp," so officers had to carry the teen to a patrol car. That is when Halter "cleared her throat and spit a bloody ball of spit" at Officer Kyle Gelenius, whose name tag was ripped from his uniform by Halter during the confrontation. Seated in the back of the cruiser, Halter "continued to spit blood on the windows, the divider, and the roof," and kicked the vehicle's window.

Just another entry in the Encyclopedia-sized book of evidence that teenage girls are hazardous to a father's health. On prom night, most fathers are praying to god that their daughter doesn't end up spending the night staring at the ceiling of a Ramada hotel room or fogging up the windows in Tim Riggins' truck.

Not Mr. Halter though. Nope. Instead of getting drunk and making out with QB1, his precious baby girl got loaded and started swinging chairs around like she was Triple H. The only thing that could have made this one better is if Jessica kicked out of Officer Gelenius's arm-bar and threw the Sharpshooter on the poor guy.

On a side note, has anyone ever met a cute Jessica? The only one I can think of is Jessica Rabbit, and although she is ridiculously hot, I think there may be a chance she is not real. With that in mind, I'm guessing Ms. Halter is no prize, but you got to admire her balls. Cursing out the principal and assistant principal is pretty gutsy but when you start kicking paramedics and swinging chairs Macho Man style, were talking grapefruit size cajones.

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