(May 21) -- By day, Ma Yaohai, 53, was a somewhat geeky computer science professor, twice divorced and living with his mother. But by night he was "Roaring Virile Fire," the moniker he used in Internet chat rooms where he trolled looking for new friends to invite to sex parties at his home. In 2007, he started a private swingers club that within two years had 190 members, all local people like taxi drivers, sales clerks and office workers. All of the orgies involved consenting adults, and none were his students. But in China, where promiscuity remains taboo, Ma's sex life has landed him behind bars. A court in the eastern Chinese city of Nanjing sentenced Ma on Thursday to three and a half years in prison for "group licentiousness." It's the first time in more than 12 years that anyone has been charged with violations of that particular Chinese law. "What we did, we did for our own happiness," Ma said back in April at a news conference held at his home. "People chose to do it of their own free will, and they knew they could stop at any time," he said. "We disturbed no one. ... Why is the whole country picking on me?"
I have nothing against sex parties and I was all ready to wave my flag of freedom for Ma Yaohai...maybe even make a friggin t-shirt. But then he had to cry to the media, "Why is the whole country picking on me?". I'm so sick of the whole "poor me" routine. Ma is acting just like Lebron. I mean Lebron makes more money then he can spend and Ma has his pick of the litter within his sex community. Neither of them is exactly roughing it. But both want us to turn a blind eye and respect their privacy when things go awry: Lebron when he caught the early flight back and found his mom giving his teammate some Cleveland steam and Ma when he got exposed as a sexual deviant running a 190 person sex club. Well you don't have to be an expert in PR to know that asking for sympathy ain't going to get them anywhere. They just have to own it. Lebron should come out and call Delonte his step-father and Ma should release some sex tapes and really stick it (pun intended) to the government. I admit the cases aren't really the same and yet they are totally the same. We got the King and the King of Swing. Both wanted all the women, all the fame, and all the fortune. But neither understood that heavy lies the crown.
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