When I say Martin Luther King what pops into your head? "I have a dream!" right? Lou Gherig? "Today I consider myself the luckiest man on the earth." George Bush Sr? "Read my lips, no new taxes!" Bill Clinton? "I didn't inhale!" I ask you this because, like it or not, everyone's legacy comes down to a few words or events that will define them for the rest of time. And today this especially rings true as the great senator and even greater American, Robert Byrd, passed away at 92. People won't remember his fiddle playing ability, 17,000 roll call votes, or "West Virginian of the 20th Century" award for which he edged out Kevin Pittsnogle. No...people won't remember any of his skills, milestones, or awards. But they will never forget Robert Byrd and the poor creatures he was so determined to protect. And with that I leave you with this video tribute...because only Byrd's fiery voice deserves to deliver his eternal message...his place in history....
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