Monday, June 28, 2010
Rest in Peace, Sweet Prince

Monday, June 21, 2010
Suck me "Bottle Full"

Following his second alcohol related arrest, actor Chris Klein has voluntarily checked himself into rehab.
"After recent events, Chris was forced to take a clear look at a problem he has been trying to deal with himself for years. He understands now that he can not beat this disease alone," his rep Jaime Primak tells PEOPLE in an exclusive statement. "He thanks everyone for their support as he takes all the necessary steps to deal with his addiction and asks for privacy while doing so."
The actor is seeking treatment at the Cirque Lodge in Utah where he will complete a 30 day alcohol addiction program and has plans to stay longer if need be.
Last Wednesday the American Pie actor was arrested in Los Angeles on suspicion of drunk driving when he was seen weaving on the Hollywood Freeway.
I understand that DUIs are not a big deal in Hollywood. They are basically like the belly-button piercings of the 2000s. Yeah you may be a little embarrassed when you look back on it in 20 years and maybe your parents give you that slightly disappointed look, but hell, everyone is getting them and they don't seem to have any real negative consequences for the people getting them.
But what I don't understand is why with all the money in Hollywood, celebrities don't just hire drivers? Celebs have no issue shelling out dough to people who answer their phones, cook for them, stretch them out, and do their hair and make-up among other things, yet for some reason they don't see the point of hiring someone to drive them around when they want to get bombed worse than the Arizona.
Yes I know. Most of these jokers are not the sharpest tool in the shed. But when money is no object, why not avoid a court date? You would think someone could make a pretty good living running a service that would provide certified / insured drivers that could be hired out on a full time basis or potentially even on a night by night basis. You could even go as far as having someone available to simply drive your car home for you, at the end of the night.
The only reason this may not work is that non A-list celebrities may not actually mind the DUI, in fact it at least gets your name out there. I mean when was the last time someone talked about Chris Klein before this story came out? If I had to guess, the last time I heard his name in normal conversation, I was dominating CW and Sloan in Super Smash Bros and a knee-sock wearing Britney Spears was still hot. So if this is all a "no press is bad press" ploy, I guess it would make sense. Otherwise, I might be moving out to Cali pretty soon to start "Dewey's Drivers."
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Japanese Professor Serving Some 'Spicy' Tuna
Teacher wants sex with students to say sorry for Japanese invasion'
"I think it would be a symbolic compensation for them," she added.
A. 1. China is attempting to control its population by letting every college age boy have sex with one woman.
B. 2. Japan is using a new form of biological warfare to destroy China’s male youth (better double bag it boys)
C. 3. China offered a high-class Japanese prostitute a doctorate and a job if she would make them sound cool by wanting to bone Chinese students.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Caption Contest: World Cup Edition
Lebron Finally Helps Bring Title Back to Cleveland
The city of Cleveland has had a colorful history. The Cuyahoga River, which runs through the city, famously caught fire in 1969 thanks to rampant pollution, and it wasn't the first time. In 1978 it became the first U.S. city to default on its debts since the Great Depression. Cleveland sports fans have had to endure more anguish than those in any other city. The city has been dubbed with a less than endearing nickname: the Mistake by the Lake.
You have to hand it to Lebron here, I mean people say he doesn’t know how to win a title, they say he’s not a team player—Nonsense. Lebron finally robbed the city of Cleveland of enough hope that he could procure them the title they’ve been waiting for. Look at what this man has done for the city, he’s given them something to take pride in! Oh you have no job? your house is being repossessed? Your polluted river is on fire? Well hey lets throw in a side of hometown pride for the worst sports franchises in the country to boot.
Lebron is a lot like a Korean Masseuse with no thumbs. He can get you close, but just doesn’t have what it takes to give a season a happy ending. And now to top it off, Cleveland has the whole city doing the Happy Gilmore “I wanna kiss you all over” to try and keep this guy around—Tremendous!
If I was in Cleveland I’d be moving on quickly to the newly anointed Miami-Wade County. Beautiful weather, women, and a hoop star that doesn’t leave you as depressed as a Serena Williams playboy shoot.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Big Brother Psychology
Abby Sunderland, who is trying to be the world's youngest to sail around the world, lost satellite contact on Thursday and issued a distress call after what appeared to be a rogue wave hit the boat, damaging its communications equipment.
Her brother Zack, who circumnavigated the globe in 2009, becoming the first under 18 to make the trip, recalled his own "rough" journey through the Indian Ocean.
"No one gets out of it without hitting a bit of a rough patch," he said.
"You have to stay up for hours and hours and battle sleep deprivation and storms. ..." he said.
Wonder how many "I told you so's" Abby "S.O.S." Sunderland is going to hear from big bro? I got pissed when I almost lost to my younger brothers in Madden, so I can only imagine how pissed I would be if one of them tried to break a record I set a year earlier.
Once he found out she was alright, the Zack Attack was probably popping champagne like he was Mercury freaking Morris. Love how he even rubbed some salt in the wounds by pretending to be concerned and giving her that condescending "Nice try Sis.. not everyone is good enough to get past the Indian Ocean, don't sweat it."
This is a classic big bro move. Trust me, I have been using this kind of psychological warfare for the better part of 30 years. Nothing pisses off a younger sibling more than when you beat them in a hard fought game but then instead of being ultra competitive, you give them a compliment and act like you're happy they came so close. It gives off the feeling that you were never that worried about them beating you.. and that kills them.
I'm sure The Zack is going to be making up subtle little nicknames like Abby "Sunk"erland that he can jab her with at Thanksgiving, just to make sure everyone knows who's boss. Cannot wait for these two to end up on the Amazing Race, embarassing themselves and Big Larry when they lose in the final to the Hilton sisters.
A little off point, but I also had to point out that Zack's description of the Indian Ocean sounds like every night you spend in Vegas? I don't think I could have summed up a red-bull and vodka induced, all-night, blackout / blackjack binge better than, "No one gets out of it without hitting a bit of a rough patch," and "You have to stay up for hours and hours and battle sleep deprivation and storms"
Props to College Bill for the tip on the article
Sook's: Why I Love Summer

Monday, June 14, 2010

The 59-year-old woman charged with aggravated assault, simple assault and reckless endangerment for allegedly attacking Bam Margera with a baseball bat claims the 'Jackass' star used a racial slur during a disagreement.
I’m simply outraged while reading this article. They’re really going to prosecute this woman? I mean here she is doing her best “Bear Jew” impersonation to roars of applause from her entire neighborhood, and then boom, cops come to arrest her. I thought we lived in a society that smiled upon good citizenship, not punished it. For all of you who aren’t familiar with Bam Margera, you might remember him from his role as” the guy who tried to ruin jackass” or from his tv show “Viva la Bam” (Bills dvr's it every week if you are curious) where he basically pranked his own parents and they pretended like they were mad. I'd seriously rather have my kid impersonating Kenny Powers than this pile of douche (at least Kenny was funny).
In my mind Elizabeth Ray is a credit to the US of A. Not only was she taking a stand against racism, she tried to take down a threat more menacing to our children’s future than Kim Jong-Il and Mohamed Atta’s love child. Move over Chloe, Jack could use a woman on his side that might actually throw a fist or two from time to time.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Chef from South Park Implicated in Blackmail Scam
Upon flying back to Detroit and conferring with his spouse, the man contacted the FBI about the shakedown plot. While claiming not to recall any "homosexual liaison" in his hotel room, the man told investigators that he "felt woozy and unclear" the morning after the purported encounter. He also reported that his $20,000 Rolex was missing, along with a credit card and $200 in cash.
At the FBI's direction, the Michigan man recorded a series of telephone calls with the extortionist, who e-mailed photos taken in the hotel room. According to the below FBI affidavit, the images showed the businessman (who is referred to as "Victim 1") in "compromising positions with a man." One image, an agent noted, showed "a black male's hand holding Victim 1's driver's license," while in another photo, "Victim 1 is leaning over a sink and the black male's hand is placed on his back."
In short order, FBI agents traced the phone number from which the photos were sent to Shawn Lightfoot, a 46-year-old Virginia man. Lightfoot, a married father of four, is a veteran chef who has worked at several Washington restaurants and now runs a D.C. catering firm (an online bio notes that he has attended a Culinary Institute of America boot camp).
I don't know who put more effort in, Lamar Odom in the first 4 games of the NBA Finals or this guy, whose "I felt a little woozy" defense is fooling about as many people as a Ron Artest head fake. You say you don't remember any homosexual liaison? As Ben Afleck would say, You're suspect. I don't think we need any of the dudes from CSI to figure out that Victim 1, enjoyed his night in our nation's capitol. He was most likely taking it from behind like Kim Kardashian while the chef from South Park sang Chocolate Salty Balls in his ear. The only way I might believe this guy is if Kobe was in D.C. that night. Boom! Roasted!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The Liplicking Phenomenon

Big Baby: Disturbing/Intimidating...I think
Baby kind of reminds me of Mabel from Men on a Mission here when he joined up with the bad guys and became Viscera. I stopped watching wrestling once Mabel ditched Mo. I felt like a Cleveland fan that got ditched by Lebron. But I digress.

Gasol Licking Lips: Creepy
I don't think there is anything in the universe I'd want to lick less then Gasol's face pubes. I'd cry too if I had to do that.
Chinese toddler sees Indonesians Cigarette Addiction; Raises him Booze

Reuters - Chinese toddler Ya Wen started downing pints and smoking up to a pack a day after being struck by a speeding van and spending five days in a coma, her parents told the Yangcheng Evening Post. "She likes drinking," her mother, Gao Wen, said. "Three glasses of beer is no problem to her." Gao Wen said her daughter's personality changed dramatically and she started acting like an adult shortly after leaving the hospital. First, she was busted hiding in the toilet smoking her dad's cigs. Then she began stealing them from a store - until the owner let her have them on credit. "The first time I found her smoking was in the toilet," her mother said. "Before that, I often saw cigarette butts in the toilet but thought they were my husband's, until I saw my daughter smoking there." The store owner said he assumed the child was buying the butts for Dear Old Dad, adding that the child would take up to two packs away at a time.
If this doesn't convince you that China is determined to become THE international superpower then I don't know what will. They just refuse to be outdone. You produce ten nuclear weapons? They'll make a hundred. You go to Mars? They aim for Jupiter. You put Shawn Johnson on the balance beem? They get a 45 lb 10 year old up there that makes her look more like Shawn Kemp.
And now we have the latest evidence. Someone in China apparently was checking out STS and found out that Indonesia is grooming a 2 year old Winston Churchill. Clearly this was unnacceptable. So what does China do? Bitch slaps the world with a three year old girl who rips butts and crushes beers. Our only hope is that this girl is like the little leaguer who develops too quickly. You know the kid that was like 5'8", had a budding stach, and some arm pit hair to boot. Dwarfed everyone and would mash homers at will. Chicks were all over him buying him air heads and shit at the snack stand. I always envied that kid. But then people started catching up and that kid never got any better. Well I think that's the world's only hope when it comes to Ya Wen. We just got to pray that she isn't able to continue her rapid development. Because make no mistake about it, a girl that is able to go into a store and buy cigarettes and booze at the age of three projects out a little higher then that kid crapping his pants during a re-run of Spongebob.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Woman Stops a Runaway Bus
Hero? Really Lori? This wasn't exactly "Sandra Bullock in Speed this bus is going to blow up unless I keep it going over 60 mph" type of heroism.... This was more of a "I put my foot on the break and stopped a slowly moving bus like any normal person would" type of heroism. Don't act like you just saved a bus full of kids because I'm pretty sure they could've survived the 5 mph collision. So while I'm impressed that you had the wherewithall to see the break and strength to press it, I think you should go easy on referring to yourself as "superwoman" for a while. And Keanu Reeves would never hook up with you either.
World's Ugliest Dog Dies at 17

Lost in Translation
Dr Izzat Atiya of Egypt's al-Azhar University said it offered a way around segregation of the sexes at work.
His fatwa stated the act would make the man symbolically related to the woman and preclude any sexual relations. According to Islamic tradition, or Hadith, breast-feeding establishes a degree of maternal relation, even if a woman nurses a child who is not biologically hers.
In his fatwa, Dr Atiya, the head of al-Azhar's Department of Hadith, said such teachings could equally apply to adults. He said that if a woman fed a male colleague "directly from her breast" at least five times they would establish a family bond and thus be allowed to be alone together at work.
"Breast feeding an adult puts an end to the problem of the private meeting, and does not ban marriage," he ruled. "A woman at work can take off the veil or reveal her hair in front of someone whom she breastfed."
The legal ruling sparked outrage throughout Egypt and the Arab world.
On Sunday, Dr Atiya retracted it, saying it had been the result of a "bad interpretation of a particular case" during the time of the Prophet Muhammad.
You have got to admire the good Doctor here. I have never seen a clearer case of guy caught with secretary's breast in mouth, tries to quickly think of excuse, says the first thing that comes to mind, which looking back is horrifically dumb, is then forced to stick with dumb excuse and try to back it up since he can't admit that he is a sucker for the cougar secretary and the revealing eye slit in her veil.
You would think that having talked himself into a corner, Dr. Atiya would have no where to go and would have to admit he lied and pay the consequences. However, My Dad always used to tell me that a desperate man backed into a corner is a dangerous man. And Izzy Atiya is no exception to this rule. Instead of admitting he was wrong, Izzy came out firing like Pacman Jones at a Vegas strip club.
What's that, you think its weird to promote equality in the workplace by having a grown man drink from a woman's breasts? Oh yeah, well you just bought yourself 5 times the equality. Me and my buddies at the office are going to be well hydrated, we are going to have our complete daily intake of calcium and Vitamin D, and we are going to be rolling in equality... how do you like me now.
When he was finally forced to face the facts and stop all the fun, Atiya still didn't admit any wrongdoing. Instead he just claimed he may have got his scripture passages confused.
Oh sorry, I guess I translated Mohammed's letter wrong, it was supposed to say Mohammed brought equality to his people by respecting woman and refusing to make them cover their entire bodies in loose clothing that makes them look like they are wading through a sea of fabric.
I messed up and read that as Mohammed brought equality to his people by forcing all loose beautiful women (No Fatties please) to uncover their bodies and act like they are at one of Dwayne Wade's sex parties. Sorry, My bad.
Cannot wait to see the next translation when the good doctor's wife catches him in the middle of an Eiffel Tower
Thanks to Beef Chou Lain for the tip on the article.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Nude Cleaning Service? Yes Please!
I admit I don't remember much from college. Between scrabble, monopoly, and empire earth, I usually had too much on my plate to bother listening to lectures. But one thing that resonated with me was that it is a waste of time to reinvent the wheel. To be successful, you have to either think of something new like a teleporter or make something that exists better like putting chocolate on a strawberry. Simple concept - difficult application. Which is why I'm so impressed with Kia Carrol here. She had two areas of expertise. The adult entertainment industry:
- High demand + revenue
- Expensive overhead
- Primarily male customer base blows money on it all the time but takes harassment from significant others who think it's a waste of money
- Stigma of trashiness attached to it
and the cleaning service industry:
- Low demand + requires competitive pricing model
- Men could do without the service - women love the help around the house.
- Not a glamorous or highly profitable business but certainly a well-respected profession
- Employees rarely wear bras anyway (as seen in Curb)
and she was able to merge them to create a stripper-cleaning lady powerhouse that satisfies all parties. Men are happy to reallocate their stripper funds to the cleaning lady with good upper body strength. The wives and girlfriends are happy that their countertops and toilet bowls are always glistening. The stripper-cleaning ladies have a job they can justify to their families. Kia can charge a premium for being awesome. And the little boys who fake sick on cleaning day get the strip club experience while in the safety of their own homes. Win-win-win-win-win situation if you ask me. Like killing five birds with one stripper. When can I invest?
sidebar: couldn't help but think of that Curb episode when Cheryl makes Larry give the cleaning lady a bra because she never wears one. Great episode because its a known fact that cleaning ladies never wear bras.
Paying for Charges
"To motivate us in a way to take charges and getting away with it," explained Sasha Vujacic.
Assistant coach Frank Hamblin, who monitors the fines and payouts, said the team has been rewarding players for charges since late last season and the competition has intensified in the playoffs, although he admitted that "very few guys are getting charge money."
"Luke got one the other night; it was kind of shaky but we gave it to him anyway," Hamblen said. "Fish is our best charge-taker so far."
The charge-taking competition, however, has yet to involve Ron Artest, who said he learned from growing up on the New York playgrounds, that when you take a charge, fall and then call an offensive foul, well, bad things -- like serious bodily harm -- can happen.
"I don't even know how to take a charge," he said. "To get the charge you have to fall. I'd rather not fall. You call an offensive foul, possibly be a fight. That's just how we grew up playing basketball."
I think this article sums it up pretty well. The Lakers have to try and pay their guys extra to take charges. I think the Celtics are a better team at almost every position, but throw that out and ask yourself which team would you rather bet your life on, the team that is playing for each other and takes pride in being a cohesive defensive unit or the team that has to pay their players extra to take charges? Just saying... C's in 6.
The other bone I have to pick with the Lakers, is who thought of this $50 for a charge horseshit? Even the worst of these guys (Yeah Scal we are looking at you) make tens of thousands of dollars each game and many of them are making hundreds of thousands of dollars a game, and that does not even count endorsements. Did James Naesmith come up with this fine back in 1892? The Lake show might want to think about adjusting it if they want it to have any impact... otherwise it doesn't even hold a candle to Lamar's daily candy budget. I mean it would be like offering me a penny to take out the trash... yeah it's something I should probably do anyway, but that penny ain't making me any more likely to do it. Good riddance, not sure I can find even one redeeming quality about this franchise, besides the fact that they make a great villian for the Celts to crush.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Summer Catch?

This guy reacted like that kid on your little league team who always got put in right field or at second base. You know the kid, he was the one who cringed whenever a ball came his way like a father that just found out his 14 year old was dating the captain of the football team. In fact, what are the chances this guy was that kid on someone's little league team. I think I would wager my left ear Van Gogh style this guy was a 2 and 1 special his entire little league career. I'm actually surprised he didn't bring his glove with him to the game to complement the jersey. There is basically no excuse for any self-respecting guy to be wearing a jersey after age 18. Hat fine. T-shirt, no problem. But please stop trying to squeeze into your vintage Varitek jersey, it does not make you a better fan or lessen the fact that you couldn't catch a flyball if your life depended on it.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Why I hate the Lakers - Inspired by Ted Green (see link to his article)
#9. Sunglasses Indoors... Hey Jack we know your cool bro - you can take them off.

#8. Magic Johnson's analysis... Great player - horrible analyst. He called Rajon Rondo the best overall point guard in the NBA last week but then said that Deron Williams is a better all around the same sentence.
#7. Phil Jackson's special high chair... Time to retire, Phil.

#5. Sasha Vujacic...cried in 5 of the 6 Final's games last time around

#2. Phil Jackson's bald spot - He's nearing Jean Keady territory with that comb-over.

#1. But if you want to be infuriated and really understand why LA sucks - the people, the city, everything - just read this gem: