Bastian Schweinsteiger is tearing it up on and off the pitch. The guy's girlfriend crushes dark beer during the game and has a constant hair blowing in the wind look while Schweinsteiger makes men look like boys with his bleached blond hair and awesome name. How can you root against this guy?
I don't like him... First off, since when does bleached hair make someone a "man" amongst boys. The only other place besides 1996, you would find that hair-do, is in Clay Aiken's computer under the file labeled "Rainy Day Rub". That leads me naturally to the name. Schweinsteiger, wasn't that Hitler's Secretary of Killing and Butt-Fucking any non-Arian? That means you Chris B, you would be one of the first be raped then killed by your boy if you were still in France with your relatives.