With news that notoriously awful GM Billy King is being given another chance to run a team into the ground with his new job as GM of the Nets, I got to looking around the old information super highway to see if there was anything that justified his hiring. And that's when I came across this gem, when Billy boy tried to "handle" when AI and C-Webb showed up late to fan appreciation night. I'm not sure how this has not ended up on a Coors light commercial yet. I guess maybe the fact he dropped more F-bombs than you'd hear during a day on Revere Beach, caused Coors to shy away.
Below is a little sample of King's tirade:
"I'm not sitting here worrying about, yes, should they be here? It's going to be addressed. They're going to be fined. That's all the [bad word] I can do about it. I can't sit here and keep a stopwatch to let you guys know when they're here.
"They're not here. When they get here, they'll be late and they'll be [bleep] fined. That's what the [bleep] I'm going to talk about. All right? Our team is not good right now. I know that, and worrying about the [bleep] that they're late or not doesn't do any [bleeping] bit of good to be sitting here worrying about it.
"We didn't make the playoffs. I've got a lot of [bleeping] work to do, and this is some [bleep] that is a distraction to me. Am I pissed off? You're [bleeping] damn right I am. Is that what you want to hear? You [bleeping] heard it."
What's even scarier is that before this tirade, King was known as a pretty cool customer. A guy so smart, polished, and poised that local Democrats once mused about asking him to run for the U.S. Senate.
I always thought Philly fans were unlucky having Billy King run their team, but knowing he could have been in charge of the entire state of Pennsylvania and had 1 of 50 votes on any major decision for the country makes having him run your NBA team seem like a blessing.
I mean this is the guy who gave a goon like Matt Geiger a 6 year $51M contract when Geiger was in his mid 30s. Unsurprisngly to everyone but Billy, after three years and less production than George Muresan, Geiger was out of the league.
If this was a one time thing, maybe King gets a pass, but Billy was like a Florida Casino for washed up power forwards. A great place for them to grow old and try to get rich.
King inked Kenny Thomas, Elton Brand, and a plethora of others to huge deals despite career threatening injuries, histories of underperformance, or the propensity to eat more late night cheeseburgers than a sauced up David Hasslehoff.
Imagine this guy in the Senate... I can see him now offering Bernie Madoff a 5-year 100 million dollar deal to resurrect his career and manage Pennsylvania's pension fund. Or maybe he could ink a 9-year 200 billion dollar deal with Russia for the rights to Siberia. With this guy at the helm the possibilites are endless. I'm just hoping he gets enamored enough with an aging KG to send us Brook Lopez and Courtney Lee. Sounds crazy, but with Billy King, you just never know
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