NEW YORK -- Tiger Woods has dropped into a tie with Kobe Bryant as the favorite American sports star.
Woods had held the position alone since 2006, but the Los Angeles Lakers guard moved up from fourth last year to grab a share of the top spot, Harris Interactive said Tuesday.
LeBron James dropped from third to sixth in the company's survey of 2,227 adults conducted online June 14-21, before he left Cleveland to sign with Miami. Retired NBA star Michael Jordan fell from second to seventh.
Yankees captain Derek Jeter moved up one spot to third and quarterback Brett Favre went from ninth to fourth. Indianapolis quarterback Peyton Manning was fifth, up from seventh.
New England quarterback Tom Brady, who failed to make the top 10 last year, was at No. 8, followed by New Orleans quarterback Drew Brees and NASCAR's Dale Earnhardt Jr.
So if you're scoring at home the rankings for Favorite American Sports Star go:
1. Tiger (Serial adulterer)
1. Kobe (Rapist)
3. Jeter (little high but belongs on the list)
4. Favre (The all-time interceptions leader, who is only still relevant because he makes Chris Berman and the rest of the media giddier than a 12-year-old at a Twilight premier)
5. Manning (belongs on the list, right below Brady)
6. Lebron (Murdered pro basketball in his home state)
7. Jordan (7th??? Really?)
8. Brady (I can maybe understand having Brady below manning... only because of the injury, but how on earth is he below Favre. This would be like choosing a peanut butter sandwich on stale white bread when you have a warm steak and cheese sitting on the table next to it... just unexplainable)
9. Brees (Ditto)
10. Dale Jr. (I still can't believe there are people that consider Nascar a sport, but I guess its the same people who consider dinner with your sister a hot date...)
What I would really like to know is who the hell Harris Interactive gets to do their polls. I'm pretty sure I could ask every guy I know to name their top 10, and they would have come up with a better list than this. Also, got to love the fact that the NHL got no love. I mean it doesn't surprise me that Nascar gets more love than soccer in the U.S., but you would think Crosby or Ovechkin could beat out a guy whose sport is what the rest of us do to get to work. Tough times