Friday, March 5, 2010

Jumping on the Barstool bandwagon

I haven't really payed attention to American Idol this year but I've caught a few of the front-runners on youtube. I saw Barstool's pick was Siobhan Magnus so I watched her performance and this girl is legit and her song choice was perfect. Sorry for the crap quality on the video...

Its definitely coming down to Siobhan and El Guapo Garcia... This kid is solid and he seems to have established a niche in the asian market..I'm pretty sure the chicks he is duet-ing with are the two best asian singers ever...William Hung's stock just went wayyyyyy down

There is no crowded like China Town crowded...My pick is Garces in a squeaker


  1. Certainly, you definitely have a pick with Siobhan, as she gorgeous and sings like a mockingbird in heat. But to recommend Senor Garcia is preposterous. Granted, he's pretty talented on the guitar, as well as sucking the German sausage (K-Think knows what I'm saying), but he only sings a G Flat. There's no fluctuation in his voice, and I'm extremely bored when he sings.

    In addition, he has a really shitty fake tattoo on his neck, and wears glasses like Rob McDonough when he's playing basketball. Not to mention he was almost voted off last night.

  2. After further review on other pictures of Siobhan, I retract my statement on her being gorgeous. She's average looking, but Spike Lee Bush would take down a gorilla if it bought him a drink.

  3. Just watch the youtube videos bro....el guapo can bring it...and the asian vote is critical

  4. I find it interesting, very interesting, that all of the commentary on this blog is about the men's bathroom and American Idol.

  5. Speaking of the Barstool bandwagon... what is this company in Switzerland thinking...

    NDTV - Switzerland has probably become the first country in the world to sell extra small condoms for boys as young as 12 years, though the official age of consent in the land-locked nation is 16. Called ‘Hotshot’, the condoms — with a diameter of 4.5 cm as compared to a standard cap’s 5.2 cm — have been produced after a Swiss government research revealed that 12 to 14-year-olds didn’t use sufficient protection when having sex. It showed more 12 to 14-year-olds were having sex as compared with the 1990s, ‘The Daily Telegraph’ reported. “The result that shocked us concerned young boys who display apparently risky behaviour. They have more of a tendency not to protect themselves. They do not have a very developed sexual knowledge. The Hotshot condoms, which cost Swiss Franc 7.60 for a packet of six, have been created by Lamprecht AG, a leading condom manufacturer in Switzerland.

    I'm all for handing out condoms to every little blond-haired, blue eyed, Geneva convention loving little bastard, but who is the marketing genius at Lamprecht AG who thought that it was a great idea to market small condoms to 12-year old boys. As if these kids aren't sensitive enough about the fact that they have about as much bush as the Sahara and that their yogurt chucker is thinner than the kickstand on my old Dyno GTX, now you are going to expect them to buy a condom brand that announces this fact to any girl they are trying to get with? What was this guy thinking.

    It would be like going into a room full of fat girls with a bunch of mediums and one XL t-shirt and asking who wanted the big one... I'm guessing these 12 year olds won't be caught dead with a hot shot condom in their pocket. Even if you're going to make them smaller, don't announce the fact... market it as a tighter fit for more sensation... I can't believe I'm not a CEO yet with idiots like these OK'ing marketing campaigns like this one.

  6. Hotshots should set up shop in Gloucester - place would be a gold mine.

  7. I find it interesting that our only female reader would be complaining that we talk to much about idol...might she be jealous of Siobhan?
