It always amazes me how horrible some of the movies are that get pushed on the public. Right now you can't turn on the TV without seeing a preview for Hot Tub Time Machine starring Darryl from the office or Repo Men starring god knows who. I can't figure out which one will be more sickening to sit through. On one hand, we have Hot Tub Time Machine which is based on a Hot Tub Time Machine. You have to wonder what would possess someone to write this movie, but I guess this is what you get when you mix a hot tub with a crap load of drugs and alcohol. What really baffles me is how this movie actually made it onto the desk of an executive. Like we've all seen Entourage (which also kind of sucks now) so I know there are some Ivy leaguers running these movie companies so how can you explain this one? Snakes on a Plane, Pooty-tang, and every Tyler Perry movie all made a crap load of money so maybe setting the bar really low with a bad title and following through with a horrible movie really is a formula for success. But Repo Men is a whole different story. This movie is basically about some badasses who hunt down people who bought artificial limbs/organs on credit and defaulted. The Repo Men are responsible for hunting these people down and repossessing their limbs (repo men...get it). Sounds like a winner to me. It couples the credit crisis with the artificial limb industry. Talk about hitting home...I mean there is nothing worse then getting the balls up to go in for a new arm and then having to deal with those pesky debt collectors. BARBARIC! So what do you guys think? ...and more importantly, can someone explain the "purposely bad movie/movie title" phenomenon to me so I can quit my job and get rich?
Let's be honest here Chris, there is a direct correlation with the titles/plots of movies, and the American Culture. I put together a line graph to prove my point, but unfortunately you are too cheap to afford a real blog, and thus I was unable to post it to my response (*zing*). Anyways, the chart was comparing American Culture/IQ (y-axis) to movie titles (x-axis) through the years. My first movie, closest to the origin (x, y intersection) is Ernest goes to jail. I chose Ernest goes to jail, which was released in 1990, because movies prior to 1990 were rockin (Aliens, Predators, Cool Hand Luke). Post 1990, we’ve seen a major decline in titles and plots. Anyways, at the Ernest Goes to Jail time frame, the American Culture/IQ is at 95%, which is great. Children are playing outdoors, not too many fattys (if you know what I mean), parents were still together, and children actually cared about their scholastics. As time goes on, there have been Pootytang, Tyler Perry Madea Goes to Jail, and Hot Tub Time Machine. The sequence shows a significant decline in creativity of movie plots and titles. In addition, Americans from the 90’s on to present time have exponentially become dumber. More kids have diabetes, due to fast food, and they’re lack of self control, coupled with their inability to go outside have a good ole baseball catch for some exercise. Priests are raping little boys, 14 year old girls are getting pregnant, and weed is almost legal. The list goes on and on. For Christ stake, we voted in George Bush as President, Twice! I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen the movie Idiocracy, but I definitely recommend it for anyone reading this post. That movie presents a good argument for where the world is heading. If we don’t shape up, and by we, I mean everyone, shits gonna hit the fan.
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ReplyDeleteI'd like to see that graph Liver...I have to agree with you that there seems to be some correlation between the lack of quality in movies and the increasing amount of stupidity and laziness within America. Normally I'd play the patriot and say "what the hell...we are america we can do whatever we want" but the fact that Google found a loophole and now is available in China free of censorship makes it more and more clear that there is no stopping the asians. If we don't shape up we are going to be dealing with a lot more crouching tiger hidden dragon and a lot less of Dumb and Dumber. Not to mention that the car insurance rates are going to go through the roof and when you couple that with the rising healthcare premiums that Obama has cast on us then you can pretty much stick a fork in the American Dream. Depressing subject so we can move on now....
ReplyDeleteNot sure I agree with the whole Thesis... point me to a decade with no stupid movie titles or plots and maybe I could start to agree... but come on. just a brief look at movies in the 70s gets you "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes," "The Incredible Melting Man," and "Revenge of the Computers" I'm sure this could go on and on for all decades, but I'm not even going to bother looking. I think the bigger problem is that they are trying to sell us a movie with Darryl as the lead... this guy is a mediocre character on a TV show and now you want him to carry a two hour movie... no chance in hell
ReplyDeleteWhere are the blogs on March Madness or what's going on in Survivor? Can we get something a little more relevant than Repo Man?
ReplyDeleteLike how about the fact that Evan from the Real World is basically in Cornell's top 5 most famous alumni... They have Janet Reno, the hockey commissioner, The Nard Dog, and Keith Olberman whose career tanked quicker than a Britney comeback. Throw in a recent rash of suicides and the school really needs this victory. I believe.... I believe that they will win.... Wittman puts up 62 in a barnburner against the wildcats... you heard it here first
This bloggin' stuff is a full time job...unfortunately I have a part time job on the side that I got to do....so more to comne tonight...I'm gonna get james thrashed and type up some good friday fodder for you all to sift through