Survived the dentist today...barely. Had this lady filing my teeth down and digging into my gums so hard that I can't even chew (and this was just a cleaning bear in mind). While I'm sitting there she tells me to raise my hand if it starts to hurt. Apparently my dentist (any dentist) has never been to a dentist herself because its not like the crap she does brings about a gradual pain. Sometimes when she digs in there it just goes from a zero (no pain) to a 10 (rather have my eye balls gouged out) in a fraction of a second. There's really no way to anticipate it. But I get the feeling a lot of dentists know exactly what they're doing and just are out to teach you a lesson or something. Its like there teeth rights activists - "treat your teeth as you would like to be treated" blah blah blah. Its bullshit so I've thought of a way to equal the playing field a little bit. Taser button. Dentist offices provide a little button that patients can push to shock their dentists when (notice I don't say if here) they cause to much pain (or if they are being assholes). This way its an eye for an eye. Want to drill my teeth without novocaine? Bam! Shock to the nipples. Think I should floss more frequently? Bam! Shock to the nipples. Don't think dipping is a good idea? BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! I'd be scheduling dentist appointments like you read about. As it stands now though, I'd rather get Van Gundy-ized (see illustation above) then spend another second in that torture chamber. Good grief.
You look like you just got dunked on by garnett when he wasn't wearing spandex