I just had a bathroom dilemma that could've put Harry Dunn into a panic. I'm usually pretty meticulous in the lav but I wasn't ready to play today. I'd probably attribute this to a long lay-off. I'm not busy at work right now so I can pretty much come and go as I please. This means that my time wasting technique of several bathroom trips a day isn't necessary. So I'm out of practice and my head was spinning a bit; when I got in for my 10 o'clock leak. Everything was moving fast and I foolishly opted for the eratic urinal. You know the type: loose flush handle, running water, evidence of a recent overflow on the floor. I ignored the signs though. When I flushed the thing I was hit with a squirt of water right in the pant leg. Every guy has probably left the bathroom with a little water on his pants from a shake gone wrong or water on the sink counter or whatever, but this was a peeing-your-pants is cool type of problem. I mean I am wearing khakis so its pretty hard to miss. And of course, no one was there to see it. If someone was, I could've joked around with them about what happened, essentially letting everyone else know that I did not actually piss my pants. I guess it wasn't my lucky day. My only option was to wait it out. So I spent about an hour sitting in a bathroom stall wiping my pants with paper towels. I did the best I could but the remnants of a piss stain was still visible when I decided I had to make a move to my cube. So now I have a choice. The secretary outside the bathroom is already a lost cause. I can't worry about what she thinkgs because she probably has already identified me as the longest shitter in office history. You can't win 'em all I guess. But I knew if I could pretend I was in a meeting or something I might be able to fool the people around my cube. Or I could go downstairs and come back up with an iced coffee or something. It was a pretty tough choice but I went with the iced coffee strategy. I can't tell if people noticed that it took me an hour and 15 minutes to get the coffee or that I apparently peed myself while doing so but so far no one has said anything. Anyone else had this happen to them?
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